About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The phrase ‘health innovation’ brings to mind silicon valley tinkerers and billion dollar big pharma companies. But the best ideas aren't necessarily found within big companies, top universities or established networks.

Health policymakers and leaders are starting to realise this. Our new report, Open Innovation in Health, explores how governments, researchers, companies, practitioners, patients and citizens around the world are collaborating in new ways to open up health innovation.

It analyses an emerging set of methods which involve a wider range of people, with several overlapping goals. Some seek to make health innovation more efficient, or to inform it with a better understanding more responsive to population and health system needs. Others seek to make health innovation more democratic, by giving citizens a greater say in setting priorities. And some seek to do all three of these things.

Open Innovation approaches are being applied across the health innovation cycle, to improve problem identification, invention, and the adoption and diffusion of innovations.

Here are six examples from around the world. Read the full report.