About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

This event took place on Thursday 18 January. You can watch the recording below.

Is there a blueprint for a better future? Economics psychology Professor Michael Muthukrishna explores this concept in his new book A Theory of Everyone: Who We Are, How We Got Here and Where We’re Going drawing on research from science, humanities and cultural evolution to understand humanity and our path forward.

On Thursday 18 January 12:00 -13:00, Michael joined Nesta CEO Ravi Gurumurthy for a fireside chat to explore how society can come together and create radical solutions to the world’s most pressing problems: from mass immigration to climate change.

Michael and Ravi discussed insights from Michael’s work, why “collective brains” could be the key to unlocking radical innovation and the solutions for the most urgent challenges facing our collective future.

Why you should watch the recording

This recording is for anyone interested in cultural evolution and social sciences - whether behavioural science, economics, or public policy - looking to explore how social sciences can be applied to creating a better collective future for ourselves and generations to come.

The opinions expressed in this event recording are those of the speaker. For more information, view our full statement on external contributors.


Michael M

Michael Muthukrishna

Michael Muthukrishna is Associate Professor of Economic Psychology at the London School of Economics. He is also Affiliate of the Developmental Economics Group at STICERD, Affiliate of the LSE Data Science Institute, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar in the Boundaries, Membership and Belonging programme at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and Technical Director of The Database of Religious History. He is also a board member of the One Pencil Project. He is the author of "A Theory of Everyone: Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We’re Going" and founder of LSE Culturalytik.