Why is celebrating success important? Organisations that focus on recognising and finding ways to celebrate people’s progress and successes (rather than focusing on what is not going well) will reinforce and encourage behaviour change.
Human behaviours (whether they involve trying new behaviours, maintaining existing ones or giving up unwanted ones) are strongly influenced by incentives and rewards. Incentives drive behaviour by making people aware of the prospect of a reward for their behaviour. Rewards drive behaviour when the behaviour is reliably followed by a positive experience (e.g. a feeling of satisfaction, money, praise etc). Each person has their own set of things that will motivate them, and if organisations can tailor rewards and incentives to what each person cares about, they will be more effective.
Rewards and incentives could be:
Celebrating success:
Using the information above, start to brainstorm ideas to try out in your organisation or community. Think about how to co-design ideas with other practitioners and people in the local community who could benefit from Good Help. Use the map below to help you test and develop your ideas.
Explore the final Good Help characteristic
Managing setbacks