Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.
Interim Principal Researcher, healthy life mission
Monique is interim principal researcher for Nesta's healthy life mission.
Monique is a nutrition policy and data science expert dedicated to making our food healthier. Before joining Nesta, Monique was a lecturer in Public Health Nutrition at Queen Mary University of London, leading research on UK food policies, such as the national calorie, salt and sugar reduction programmes. To maximise policy impact, she worked closely with NGOs, including Action on Salt and Sugar, Obesity Health Alliance, Bite Back, and ShareAction. She has taken sabbatical leave from her academic post to join Nesta.
Earlier in her career, Monique spent time in policymaking bodies, including the World Health Organisation and the European Commission. Through her university and career choices, Monique spent extended periods in 10 countries mostly around Europe and Asia, experiencing different cultures and ways of working.
In her free time, Monique enjoys hiking, learning languages and going to the cinema.
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