Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.
Group Creative and Content Lead
Angelica is the group creative and content lead for Nesta's communications team
Throughout her career, Angelica has specialised in the development of digital technologies across the creative industries, and how to make content across the sector as accessible as possible. Before joining Nesta in July 2021, she worked as a Communications and Content Manager at the Creative Industries Federation. Here, she worked on key industry campaigns around creative education, immigration and the impact of Covid-19 on the creative sector.
Prior to the Creative Industries Federation, Angelica was the Digital Communications Manager at English National Opera where she looked after the in-house content production and social media for the company.
Angelica graduated with a BA in Music from Cardiff University (in her spare time, she's a cellist), and then went on to do a Masters in Culture, Policy and Management at City University, London. Outside of work, Angelica is a trustee of the Amber Trust, a charity that provides musical opportunities to blind and partially-sighted children. She also has 3 cats, a dog, and is a keen member of the Cloud Appreciation Society, all of which feature prominently in her photography.
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