About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Bogat, Anne G., Liang, Belle, & Rigol-Dahn, Rosa (2008), ‘Stages of Mentoring: An Analysis of an Intervention for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents’, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 25(4): 325-341.

Chan, Charles C. & Wing Chung Ho (2008), ‘An Ecological Framework for Evaluating Relationship-Functional Aspects of Youth Mentoring’, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(4): 837-867.

DeWit, David, DuBois, David, Erdem, Gizem, Larose, Simon, Lipman, Ellen, DeWit, David J. & Lipman, Ellen L. (2016), ‘The Role of Program-Supported Mentoring Relationships in Promoting Youth Mental Health, Behavioral and Developmental Outcomes’, Prevention Science, 17(5): 646-657.

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DuBois, David, and Silverthorn, Naida (2005), ‘Natural Mentoring Relationships and Adolescent Health: Evidence From a National Study’, American Journal of Public Health, 95(3): 518-524.

DuBois, David, Portillo, Nelson, Rhodes, Jean E., Silverthorn, Naida, & Valentine, Jeffrey C. (2011), ‘How Effective Are Mentoring Programs for Youth? A Systematic Assessment of the Evidence’, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 12(2): 57-91.

Eby, L.T., Allen, T.D., Hoffman, B.J., Baranik, L.E., Sauer, J.B., Baldwin, S., Morrison, M.A., Kinkade, K.M., Maher, C.P., Curtis, S. & Evans, S.C. (2013), ‘An interdisciplinary meta-analysis of the potential antecedents, correlates, and consequences of protégé perceptions of mentoring’, Psychological Bulletin, 139(2): 441-476.

Hatton-Yeo, A. and Ohsako, T. (eds.) (2000), Intergenerational Programmes: Public Policy and Research Implications – An International Perspective, The UNESCO Institute for Education and The Beth Johnson Foundation.

Kanchewa, Stella S., Rhodes, Jean E., Schwartz, Sarah E. O., Olsho & Lauren E. W. (2014), ‘An Investigation of Same- Versus Cross-Gender Matching for Boys in Formal School-Based Mentoring Programs’, Applied Developmental Science, 18(1): 31-45.

Lindsay, Sally, Hartman, Laura R. & Fellin, Melissa (2016), ‘A systematic review of mentorship programs to facilitate transition to post-secondary education and employment for youth and young adults with disabilities’, Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(14): 1329-1349.

Lymburner, J. A. (2006), Predictors of match duration in a Big Sisters mentoring program (Doctoral dissertation, Simon Fraser University).

Philip, K, Shucksmith, J and King, C (2004) Sharing a laugh? A qualitative study of mentoring interventions with young people. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.

Schwartz, S. E., Rhodes, J. E., Spencer, R., & Grossman, J. B. (2013), ‘Youth initiated mentoring: Investigating a new approach to working with vulnerable adolescents’, American Journal of Community Psychology, 52(1-2): 155-169.

Wilson, N. J., Cordier, R., Ciccarelli, M., MacCallum, J., Milbourn, B., Vaz, S.,& Stancliffe, R. J. (2018), ‘Intergenerational mentoring at Men's Sheds: A feasibility study’, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(1): 105-117.