In 2018 we estimated that there were around 130 core innovation policymakers in the Malaysian innovation system. However, it’s likely that we have underestimated the number of programme managers working on innovation-related projects.
Innovation policymakers are based in:
- Agencies and ministries that are directly involved with innovation policies, for example: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI); Malaysia Industry High Technology Group (MIGHT); Malaysian Innovation Agency (AIM); Ministry of Finance (MOF); Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI); Academy of Sciences (ASM); Economic Planning Unit (EPU); Ministry of Communication and Multimedia (MCM), and SME Corporation Malaysia (SME Corp).
- Core national government departments relating to innovation, including: Business, Economics, and Science and Technology, as well as Universities.
- Other national government departments with significant innovation roles and agencies, including: Defence, Health, Agriculture, Energy, and Education.
- Non-governmental bodies with a significant influence on innovation policy, for example: development banks, think tanks, learned societies, and industry bodies.
- Relevant regional and significant municipal governments.