About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The Innovation Imperative

This report explains why radical innovation is needed to reinvent public services.

This report explains why radical innovation is needed to reinvent public services. 

Key findings:

  • We face difficult economic and social challenges, and accelerating innovation in public services is a vital part of meeting them.
  • However the recession will also constrain our ability to develop new approaches.
  • A radical new approach is the answer, which puts users, consumers and citizens at the heart of innovation in public services.

This report’s recommendations centre on the promotion and support of innovation in central government, and creating stronger incentives for the development and adoption of local solutions.


In the wake of the recession public services will be asked to do more for less. But at the same time we need to tackle challenges such as an ageing society and a rise in long-term health conditions.


This research argues that we need a new way of innovating in our public services to deal with growing social challenges that are being exacerbated further by the economic effects of the recession.


The Innovation Imperative suggests a bold new approach that puts users, consumers and citizens at the heart of public services as a force for change and as partners in its delivery.



Michael Harris and David Albury