This report summarises the impact of reducing the flow temperature of a gas-condensing boiler under controlled conditions at the Salford Energy House.
The impact of reducing the flow temperature of a domestic gas condensing boiler was measured at whole-house level under controlled conditions at the University of Salford Energy House test facility.
The study found that:
- Lowering the boiler flow temperature reduced space heating gas use eg, lowering it from 80 degrees to 60 degrees saved 12% of gas used to heat the house
- However, it also slowed heat-up rates and lowered internal air temperatures e.g. when lowered from 80 degrees to 60 degrees, heat-up times in the morning went from 23 minutes to 37 minutes.
- The reductions in gas use measured are primarily due to increased boiler efficiencies rather than reductions in internal air temperature.
Money Saving Boiler Challenge
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