About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Preparing for ageing

This report describes the challenge of an ageing society, the role of innovation in meeting it, and where innovation needs to be better harnessed.

This report describes the challenge of an ageing society, the role of innovation in meeting it, and where innovation needs to be better harnessed.

Key findings:

  • Radical new products, services and initiatives for an ageing society are the only way we will be able to produce significantly better results for people at significantly lower cost.
  • There are some significant weaknesses in the innovation system in ageing. 
  • Government can and must play a leadership role in the overall innovation challenge in ageing.
  • Despite the demands of an ageing society, it also represents a massive opportunity to strengthen our economy and our society.

Our public services are not set up to cope with the ageing population. It is important that we harness innovation more effectively to overcome this new challenge.

Preparing for ageing, describes the challenge of an ageing society, assesses the role that innovation is currently playing in meeting this challenge, and identifies where innovation needs to be harnessed more fully.


It covers the public, private and voluntary sectors, across five areas: housing; the local environment; health and social care; personal finance; and social inclusion.


The research is a summary based on a full report commissioned by Nesta from Deloitte.


