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Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Kings Fund Evaluation of KCH Impact Volunteering

This report from the Kings Fund evaluates and explores the contribution of volunteers at Kings College Hospital, London.


Nesta has worked with Kings College Hospital to better understand the development of their expanded impact volunteering model as part of a Cabinet Office funded programme exploring the future of volunteering.

The Kings Fund was commissioned to carry out an evaluation which explores the roles of staff and volunteers and their relationship to patient care. It gives a detailed insight into the Kings College Hospital service and how it has developed as well as possible impacts.

The results of the evaluation informed the development and growth not only of Kings College Hospital’s impact volunteering service, but the creation of the Helping in Hospitals programme which aims to test the best ways to expand impact volunteering in a variety of different hospital contexts.

The participants in the Helping in Hospitals programme are: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Barts NHS Trust, Derbyshire Community Health Trust, Cambridge University Hospitals, Great Western Hospitals and Kingston Hospital.


Beverley Fitzsimmons, Joanna Goodrich, Laura Bennett and David Buck