About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The young people of today are the future. Their ideas matter. More specifically, how they want to use greenspaces will shape the future management of parks. In answer to our request for ideas for parks and greenspaces in the future, many young people emphasised the importance of community and local people being involved in the management of parks and engaging more people to use these spaces. A lot of answers included suggestions for accessibility for all of those in the surrounding community, including young people who are sometimes discouraged by others to use the park or local greenspace. Young people were ambitious about the future role of parks and greenspaces at the heart of the community. They saw that parks could play an even greater role as a hub for the community a common space to enable the entertainment, creativity and mixing of people across differences. Some also saw parks as having a role in shaping social justice in our communities.

What would you like to see happen in parks and greenspaces and what would you like to be able to do in these spaces?

“Community-led (so the local people decide what the space is used for and their opinion is asked regarding any new facilities or changes to the space). Community can raise funds but there should be a local council budget to maintain so that the space is used to its full potential.” Amelia, 19

“I think they should be maintained and looked after well… I would like to see and do more activities in these spaces to make people aware of their surroundings and the atmosphere that they can create.” Anonymous, 18

“I would like to see more workshop type experiences to involve many different types of people in learning more about different cultures, music, exercises, etc. Also, different performances at parks such as dance performances or drama performances...” Aurora, 17

“Undercover seating areas so the parks can be used when the weather is bad, and it gives older teens and young adults a place to go, as we aren't as accepted in playground areas.

Playground equipment for older kids more adventurous things.... I’m almost 18 now, but me and my friends still love going on the swings, but if we do, we have to deal with mean looks or abuse from parents with their younger kids for using the playgrounds.” Freya, 17

“In light of recent BLM protests, the opportunity for education about environmental justice especially in urban contexts really involves greenspaces. Opening greenspaces in areas with the highest air pollution or most deprived communities in London could also attract young people interested in social issues.” Beatrice, 21


Lydia Allen

Lydia is a Youth Work Specialist on the Youth Work Directorate Team at the National Youth Agency.