About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.


District heat networks deliver centrally generated heat to multiple buildings through a system of insulated pipes. Each home connected to the network typically has a small in-home unit to exchange heat with a central plant room that services multiple homes. These plant rooms are typically also able to provide domestic hot water for the homes they serve, negating the need for hot water cylinders.

Current status

Approximately 450,000 homes (~2% of homes) are connected to heat networks in the UK, with 30% of these being in London. They are most suited to high-density urban areas. Not all heat networks have a low-carbon heat source, but these can be retrofitted to make use of large heat pumps or industrial waste heat. Homes are typically added to heat networks at the point of construction or as part of a large retrofit scheme, making them a less viable retrofit option for individual homeowners. The UK Government has a specific policy for heat networks, which includes developing heat network zones, with support from the Heat Network Delivery Unit.

District heat network costs
Property size Upfront cost Running cost
Small N/A £870
Medium N/A £1,476
Large N/A £2,250

Households do not typically pay upfront to connect to heat networks. This cost is financed over long periods with partial costs passed down to households via standing charges. The standing charge may vary depending upon the type of housing, with social housing having reduced charges compared to private housing. The above running costs assume a standing charge of between £313-£389 per year.

Advantages and disadvantages of district heat networks
Advantages Disadvantages
Minimal internal space required Less suitable outside of dense urban areas
Upfront costs not directly passed on to households Less viable as a retrofit option for private residents
Can make use of waste sources of heat Has to be done as part of a large scheme or during housing construction
Easier to finance at low cost via institutional finance Can have high bills and households have less agency over heating options
Provide space heating and domestic hot water


Max Woollard

Max Woollard

Max Woollard

Analyst, sustainable future mission

Max joins Nesta as an analyst in the sustainable future mission.

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Andrew Sissons

Andrew Sissons

Andrew Sissons

Deputy Director, sustainable future mission

Andrew is deputy director on Nesta's mission to create a sustainable future, which focuses on decarbonisation and economic recovery.

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Martina Kavan

Martina Kavan

Martina Kavan

Analyst, sustainable future mission

Martina joins Nesta as an analyst for the sustainable future mission, focusing on the reduction of carbon emissions from households across the UK.

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