Find out more about our activities during our third year as a charity in this annual report.
Find out more about our activities during our third year as a charity in our annual report.
We have achieved much in the last year, and our plans for the future remain ambitious. We’re in the middle of implementing the strategy we set out last year, covering the period from 2014–17, which will see us:
- continue our evolution to become a network of linked organisations with the launch of a new hub in central London
- expand our work in healthcare, with far–reaching new projects to help influence research and mobilise the public to manage their own care
- influence government by providing practical recommendations based on our research for: changing the way central government works; generating one million creative jobs; and improving conditions for innovators everywhere to help boost economic growth and wellbeing
- grow the field of public innovation worldwide, through advisory work, skills and publications
- launch new impact investment funds linked to other areas of Nesta activity
- build on our recent work around data to develop new programmes around collective intelligence.
Browse our areas of work and find out more about what we do.