About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Patchwork is social web application for professionals working with vulnerable children and adults.

It connects them to other service providers working with the same individuals so they can share information, co-ordinate their involvement and ultimately place the individual at the centre of everything they do.

The app was initially designed to support professionals involved with safeguarding children, but it is now increasingly looking to work in areas beyond child protection where there are a range of public agencies needing to work across organisational boundaries - such as older adults, domestic violence and homelessness.

Often a wide range of agencies will provide services to vulnerable children or adults, including social services, education, health, the police, probation services, housing and the voluntary sector.

However, professionals are often unaware of other services that may be working with the same clients, and contacting others to share information about their involvement and coordinate the support each is providing is a significant challenge.

Patchwork does not hold information relating to individual cases, but instead focuses on connecting professionals and building relationships to help them get a quick and easy overview of the people they are supporting; finds out who else is working with them and how to contact them; invites in other people that should be involved; and keeps the picture up-to-date for all involved

Through Patchwork professionals are able to provide better services to their clients because they know about - and communicate with - all of the other services that support that individual or family.