About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.


Household and stakeholder interviews

Winter 2021

Design and pilot interventions

Winter 2021

Test intervention prototypes

Spring 2022

Launch of demonstration tool

Summer 2022

Launch of national campaign

Autumn 2022

Project ends

Spring 2023

Could lowering boiler flow temperatures reduce emissions?

Our research found that lowering boiler flow temperatures can reduce carbon emissions, which is why we launched the Money Saving Boiler Challenge in October 2022 which led to approximately ~3.1 million households turning down their boiler flow temperatures over the course of the campaign. This saved an estimated 500,000 tonnes in CO2 and nearly £300 million in savings for households and £157 million for HM Treasury.


Shaan Jindal

Shaan Jindal

Shaan Jindal

Senior Analyst, sustainable future mission

Shaan is a senior analyst in the sustainable future team.

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Katy King

Katy King

Katy King

Deputy Director, sustainable future mission

Katy is deputy director on Nesta's mission to create a sustainable future, which focuses on decarbonisation and economic recovery.

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Codrina Cretu

Codrina Cretu

Codrina Cretu

Mission Manager, sustainable future mission

Codrina is mission manager for the sustainable future mission.

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Andy Marsden

Andy Marsden

Andy Marsden

Design Lead, Design & Technology


Andy Marsden works as a Design Lead at Nesta.

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Eve Lerouge

Eve Lerouge

Eve Lerouge

Designer, sustainable future mission

Eve is a designer and researcher aiming at empowering and engaging people with more sustainable ways of living.

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Elin Price

Elin Price

Elin Price

Campaigns lead

Elin joined Nesta in January 2022 as communications and engagement manager in Nesta Cymru and since became campaigns lead for Nesta's sustainable future team.

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