Stroke groups are self-funded community groups, run and supported by people affected by stroke; providing essential long-term peer support
Three quarters of strokes happen to people aged 65 and over. Stroke groups are self-funded community groups, run and supported by people affected by stroke; they provide essential long-term peer support to stroke survivors and carers in the local community.
The Stroke Association is the UK’s leading stroke charity, working to change the world for people affected by stroke. Every year there are 152,000 strokes in the UK. Stroke can have a devastating impact, happening in an instant, its effects lasting a lifetime.
What's more, the burden of stroke is set to double by 2030, as we increasingly see an ageing population, rising obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in the UK, with 600,000 people left coping with long lasting, complex and often hidden effects.
The Stroke Association knows there are gaps in statutory services available for people affected by stroke and they provide that lifeline of support. Quality peer support is a powerful intervention for individuals affected by stroke, and the Stroke Association wants to ensure that 1.2 million stroke survivors can access local peer support where and when they need it, for as long as they need it.
Scaling our model of peer support will increase and improve peer and social support activities available across the UK. We will deliver quality support to more people in a sustainable, cost effective way. We will also share our digitalised evidence base with commissioners, volunteers, donors and other social action organisations that need to expand and scale their peer support models.
Scaling quality stroke peer support will provide more access and opportunities to an ageing population, enabling them to manage their condition, live well and, if able, give their time as a peer or volunteer in order to make a valuable contribution to society.
The Stroke Association’s Centre for Social Action Innovation Fund evaluation, conducted by the Nuffield Trust, found that:
We intend to grow our model of peer support, and scale our network across the UK. We will increase our reach by: