About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

What we are doing

GoodSAM is a medical emergency alerting platform comprised of two apps - the GoodSAM Alerter and Responder app.

The GoodSAM Alerter app allows members of the public to dial the emergency services in the usual way, but, at the same time, notify nearby medically qualified responders of a medical emergency through the GoodSAM Responder app on their smartphones.

By alerting nearby first aid trained professionals, GoodSAM connects those in need with those who have the skills to provide critical help in the minutes before the ambulance arrives. Utilised in over 30 countries, GoodSAM is a rapidly growing, global community of thousands of Alerters and Responders.

A GoodSAM alert is triggered either by the local ambulance service when they receive a suspected cardiac arrest call (if they are integrated with GoodSAM), or by a member of the public using the Alerter app.

Following an alert, the GoodSAM platform sends a notification to the smartphones of the nearest GoodSAM Responders, asking them to come to scene if they are available – unlocking a global community of thousands of first aid trained professionals.

This alerting system complements existing ambulance dispatch processes and does not substitute or affect the way in which an ambulance is sent to the scene.

By getting first aid assistance to patients in the vital minutes following cardiac arrest, GoodSAM harnesses mobile technology to save lives.

GoodSAM is endorsed by the Resuscitation Council (UK) and has been integrated with London’s Ambulance Service for the past 18 months

The success of integrating GoodSAM into the London Ambulance Service provides a unique opportunity to get more ambulance trusts using this technology.

GoodSAM is due to go live with integration with the East Midlands and North West Ambulance Service, with a number of other ambulance services confirmed to follow this year.

Through the Accelerating Ideas Fund, the ambition for GoodSAM is to get more UK Ambulance Trusts integrated with the platform. This will ensure that every citizen in the UK - including those living in remote areas, where ambulances struggle to achieve timely care - has a better chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.

What we are learning

GoodSAM’s Centre for Social Action Innovation Fund evaluation, conducted by Artifactual found that:

  • There was a positive trend for bystander-initiated CPR rate and use of defibrillators from citizens with the GoodSAM app on their phones, compared to those who did not have the app. However, the evaluation suggests it is too early to draw robust conclusions due to the nascency of the community during the evaluation period.

Our ambitions to grow through Accelerating Ideas

The next phase for GoodSAM is to rapidly grow the GoodSAM community across the UK and beyond. GoodSAM intends to increase their reach by:

  • Integrating the additional ambulance trusts so that whenever a suspected heart attack or cardiac arrest call is received, details are sent to the GoodSAM platform to activate trained bystander action. GoodSAM aims to be UK wide by 2019.
  • Increasing responder numbers by building relationships with police forces, fire services, NHS Trusts / hospitals to enroll qualified staff who are willing to volunteer on the platform. GoodSAM will also look to build strategic alliances with first aid and NGOs to increase the community of Responders further.
  • Increasing the uptake and use of the Alerter App by the public, especially in rural areas and among vulnerable groups where it can make the most difference.