About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Nesta Impact Investments joins Boston Consulting Group’s UK Social Enterprise Award

Are you a founder who delivers impact in public health, education or social mobility? 

Nesta Impact Investments has joined as a partner to Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) UK Social Enterprise Award

The BCG UK National Social Enterprise award aims to elevate the most exciting social ventures in the UK and provide them with an even greater platform for future success. We are seeking emerging enterprises who are effecting positive change in the fields of health, education, and social mobility. Themes for this year include improving public health and wellbeing; enhancing educational equality and attainment for all; and improving social mobility. 

BCG and their partners will be hosting an event in November 2024 where the most innovative UK mission-driven organisations will present their pioneering projects to a panel of judges, including FTSE 100 leaders. After presenting to a panel of experts of UK business leaders, one winner will be selected and receive dedicated support from a BCG team, providing a unique opportunity to accelerate the scaling of their impact.

Eligible applicants must have been in operation for at least two years, with an annual turnover of at least £500,000. The Award also welcomes non-profit organisations of a similar size and operational history. If your organisation fits these criteria, we warmly invite you to apply.

We will not take equity in any of the ventures and it is free for all eligible businesses to participate. We are excited to celebrate and support the transformative efforts of the UK's leading mission-driven ventures.

Visit the BCG website for further information and to register your interest or submit your application.

About Nesta Impact Investments

Nesta Impact Investments provides financial, knowledge and network capital to innovative tech ventures that are changing the world for good. We look to back for-profit businesses with high growth potential aligned with Nesta’s three missions, that overlap with BCG’s themes of public health; education inequality; and social mobility. Nesta’s missions are:

  • a healthy life: to increase the average number of healthy years lived in the UK, while narrowing health inequalities. Our focus at the moment is on reducing obesity. This includes new food tech, novel ingredients, healthy brands and helping people access healthy foods, as well as relevant behavioural and health tech.
  • a fairer start: to narrow the education outcome gap between children growing up in disadvantage and the national average. We look for solutions that deliver high-quality, affordable provision and workforce development. We are also looking at financial inclusion solutions which can reduce stress on families who can then better support the home learning environment.
  • a sustainable future: to accelerate the decarbonisation of UK households and raise productivity in ways that advance the transition to net zero. Our focus at the moment is on reducing domestic energy consumption, supporting small-to-medium enterprises to adopt green technology, and supporting the upskilling needed for a green economy.