Looking at ways to improve outcomes for young children by developing the ways a book-sharing programme can be developed with users in mind.
In this design-led project, Nesta’s fairer start team and our collaborators at the Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development & Learning (PEDAL) at the University of Cambridge, wanted to understand how the digital Playtime with Books programme could be scaled up for wider delivery. The Playtime with Books programme was developed by the PEDAL team alongside Professors Lynne Murray and Peter Cooper.
Playtime with Books aims to support parents/carers to playfully share and explore books with their 10 -24 month old children. In this project we aimed to identify and understand the needs and priorities of potential delivery partners and parents/carers as well as barriers they might face. The key learning from the stakeholder research emphasised the importance of building trusted relationships between facilitators and parents/carers, embedding the programme in existing initiatives/networks, using familiar digital platforms, minimising number of digital platforms, exploring a flexible model and optimising facilitators’ time in training and administrative tasks.
Research suggests that the first 1,001 days in a child’s life is a period of rapid growth and development (Cusick, S. E., & Georgieff, M. K., 2016). During this period, parents and caregivers play a crucial role in their children’s development. Positive features of parenting such as parental sensitivity and a positive home learning environment are associated with children having better outcomes in the early years (Batchelor et al., 2022). However, wider systemic factors driven by poverty can undermine a family’s ability and resources dedicated towards responsive parenting (Oppenheim & Milton, 2021). By age three, there are already large disparities in children’s cognitive and socio-emotional development, correlated with factors including sex, ethnicity and socio-economic background (Cattan et. al, 2022).
Children entering school with robust oral language abilities have significantly improved chances of positive long-term outcomes in literacy development, educational attainment, mental health, employment and social inclusion (Asmussen et al., 2018)
Analysis of early years foundation stage profile 2021-2022 (EYFSP) data in England currently shows that at age five, 68.6% of children eligible for free school meals are on track with their development in language and communication as compared to 82% of their advantaged peers.
The frequency of shared learning activities between caregivers and young children have been shown to be important for child language development and vocabulary development . Activities such as picture book sharing, playing with a toy together and pointing and talking provides an opportunity for parents and children to share an activity and enjoy reciprocal interactions. This not only helps in building a rich enjoyable home-learning environment but also fosters positive parent-child interactions. Evidence shows that frequent shared activities, including book sharing with preschoolers can support vocabulary development at age three and later.
Support to embed book sharing in family routines may be particularly important for parents experiencing poverty, who face additional barriers in sharing books regularly.
Book-sharing programmes, such as the Murray and Cooper shared picture book intervention have shown positive effects on children’s language development. However, there is currently a lack of effective book -sharing interventions developed for delivery in the UK, especially for younger children aged 0 - 2. Some parents may also experience barriers to attending in-person parenting support services due barriers related to transport, childcare, and/or inflexible work schedule. To help address these challenges and increase UK parents’ access to support with book sharing, the Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development & Learning (PEDAL) at the University of Cambridge has developed a programme called Playtime with Books. This is a programme that can be delivered completely remotely using digital technology, with support from a trained practitioner.
We partnered with PEDAL between February and May 2023 to gather views from a wide range of stakeholders on this programme’s feasibility for delivery at a wider scale across the UK. The programme is delivered online, with participating families taking part in their own time with support from a programme facilitator. Here is a breakdown of the activities.
The four books and the weekly routine
In this project we set out to engage a wide range of stakeholders so that we could explore:
We conducted 20 research calls with a range of expert stakeholders and service delivery organisations. We spoke with local authority early years services, reading charities, targeted services, family support organisations and digital services supporting parents. Activities included research calls, group sessions and workshops.
The research helped us identify and understand which service providers might be interested in delivering Playtime with Books in the future and what families/caregivers value in a service. The following themes emerged.
When we discussed the access needs of parents and carers,and how best to support their engagement, we learned that:
The team also gathered feedback on how the time involved in delivering the service could be reduced for both professionals and parents, to help make it feasible to deliver at a larger scale. Some of the suggestions included:
Additional suggestions included involving parents and carers in selecting books that are representative of their ethnicity and cultural background. Choosing books that feel most relevant to families will support parents and carers with practising book sharing with their children. Some of those we interviewed also suggested the potential value of engaging community leaders to champion the programme.
Following this project, Nesta and PEDAL are now developing plans for further collaboration on testing and adapting the Playtime with Books model to increase its feasibility for delivery at a wider scale.
In the next phase of work, we would like to develop partnerships with local service providers to help us to further test implementation of the Playtime with Books delivery model and learn about how it could be improved. In this work we will explore the following.
In the longer term, both Nesta and PEDAL are interested in the potential for the Playtime with Books programme to be implemented at a wider scale, to help support children’s early language development and reduce the income-related early years attainment gap in the UK.