About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Media enquiries

If you are a journalist with a media enquiry for the central Nesta team in London, please contact Mark Byrne at [email protected] or 07942 499048. This number is monitored out-of-hours.

If you have a media enquiry for the Scotland office, please contact Grant Collinson on [email protected] or call 020 7438 2628 within office hours (the virtual number is London-based but forwards to the team in Scotland).

If you have a media enquiry for the Wales office, please contact Elin Price on [email protected] or 07779 000329 within office hours.


Mark Byrne

Mark Byrne

Mark Byrne

Group Head of Media and Marketing

As Group Head of Media and Marketing, Mark helps tell our story in the media and directly to stakeholders.

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Kieran Lowe

Kieran Lowe

Kieran Lowe

Group Media Manager

Kieran is group media manager, supporting the head of media and marketing to deliver Nesta and the Behavioural Insights story to the media and directly to stakeholders.

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Grant Collinson

Grant Collinson

Grant Collinson

Communications and Engagement Manager, Nesta Scotland

Grant leads on the development and coordination of our communications activities in Scotland.

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Elin Price

Elin Price

Elin Price

Campaigns lead

Elin joined Nesta in January 2022 as communications and engagement manager in Nesta Cymru and since became campaigns lead for Nesta's sustainable future team.

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