About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

From odd jobs to ridesharing, more people sell their skills and time on collaborative platforms. For some, this activity supplements a steady income. For those unemployed (and underemployed), small tasks and work activity through collaborative platforms constitute their primary source of income.

As more people enter micro-entrepreneurship, precarious and piece work becomes increasingly commonplace. Increased competition among micro-entrepreneurs sparks bidding wars that consistently descend below minimum wage.

The government raises the limit for non-taxable income, yet income tax evasion becomes more prevalent. Unemployed people are encouraged to join collaborative platforms, but risk losing benefits if deemed too successful.

The Numbers

  • Since 2000, the number of businesses established with no employees and operating under the VAT registration turnover threshold of around £80,000 has almost doubled to around 2.7 million.
  • The number of people who declare themselves to be self-employed (including owner-managers and other forms of trading outside an employee structure) is currently the highest it has ever been – 15 per cent of the workforce, or 4.6 million people.
  • The rate of self-employment will likely increase as awareness spreads so that one in four of the workforce will not be employees in the next decade.
  • At present, workers on average state they would like to work an additional 12 hours a week – equivalent to an extra 43 million hours across the economy as a whole.