About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The Nest episodes available to listen back...

#TheNest: How permaculture can bring communities together

What can we learn from community projects about creating solutions to the climate crisis at a local level? How can their impact be transformed into larger-scale action?

Ian Solomon-Kawall, CEO and Co-founder of May Project Gardens, was in conversation with our analyst Shaan Jindal to discuss how permaculture can help bring communities together and strengthen awareness around climate change.

#TheNest: Overcoming racial injustices in maternity care

Racial injustices that occur during maternity care can have lasting implications on parents, newborns and the trajectory of their family life. How can overcome them?

Benash Nazmeen, Midwife, Co-Director of the Association of South Asian Midwives and Chair of the Sheffield Maternity Cooperative, Community of Cultures and Co-Chair for the Racial Injustice in UK Maternity Services Inquiry by Birth Rights Charity joined us to discuss.

#TheNest: How inclusive workspaces can advance innovation

To mark Black History Month, this October we’re spotlighting the experts and initiatives working towards equality, diversity and inclusion in our mission areas: health, education and sustainability.

To expand our innovation, advance our mission goals and tackle society’s biggest challenges, we need to ensure a diverse, equitable and inclusive approach.

Our EDI Lead Davina Majeethia, was joined by Nathan Nalla, Director of Be The Riot, to talk about the importance of EDI in the workspace and in innovation.

#TheNest: Improving food security for minoritised communities

To mark Black History Month, this October we’re spotlighting the experts and initiatives working towards equality, diversity and inclusion in our mission areas: health, education and sustainability.

Kemi Akinola, Labour Councillor, Deputy Leader of Wandsworth Council, and CEO and Managing Director of Be Enriched and Brixton People's Kitchen joined us for a session on Friday 14 October.

Kemi was joined in conversation by Clara Widdison, Design Lead for our healthy life mission, to discuss how to improve food accessibility and security for minoritised communities.

The Nest episodes are available to listen back via Twitter Spaces for 30 days. If you'd like to listen back any older episodes, please get in touch with us on Twitter at @nesta_uk.