About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

In this future, citizens actively work in partnership with local care services and the NHS as health producers. Sharing personal data is part of a health creation movement that includes research centres and the pharmaceutical companies. The data infrastructure generates new knowledge about how patients can help take care of one another.

The data collected in daily life has successfully integrated into the healthcare system. Biometric indicators now have validity and provenance, and generate rich data and iterative modelling of diseases and treatments. Groups of patients often work as pods, whether in recovery to manage a disability or as part of ongoing wellbeing around a long-term condition. They take part in Care Circles - a mechanism for generating feedback loops with drug and medical device manufacturers and clinicians. The Citizens As Producers movement has set up many patient cooperatives across the country.


The ALT system allows you to take part in health and care pods. You can set your ALT badge to pick up when someone in your health and care pod is in the same location as you and therefore you can easily exchange and share data as well as get immediate feedback.

  1. The ALT badge signifies to others that you are participating in a health and care pod. The badge will change colour when you are out in public and in close proximity to others in your Care Circle.
  2. The ALT personal device is the place for you to store and monitor your own data, manage your settings and keep on top of your data management.
  3. The ALT system device links you up to the others in your Care Circle. This is where all of your data is aggregated and fed back to clinicians as well as each other. You can use this to benchmark your health and to create feedback for researchers and doctors.
Parts of the ALT System health data wearable prototype

Parts of the ALT System health data wearable prototype