About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Website: neweconomyorganisers.org
Twitter: @NEON_UK
Location: London

NEON runs several training and support programmes to help campaigners and activists achieve social, economic and environmental justice.

They have provided strategic campaigning support on a wide range of issues, from climate change, to migrant rights and housing. One of the latest campaigns, that NEON is supporting, Just Treatment, addresses the health sector and supports a patient-led movement that is challenging big pharmaceutical companies for fairer priced medication.


NEON’s workshops cover all areas of campaign support from communication advice, connecting people with a network of spokespeople that includes media training and press support, as well as leadership coaching to help organisations achieve long term success.

Just Treatment’s mission is to end the costly and damaging stranglehold of big pharmaceutical companies over the NHS and patients' lives. It does this by involving patients with real lived experience of being unable to access life-enhancing medicines because of their cost, building their leadership and telling their stories, to call for policy change

George Woods, NEON’s Head of Organising

NEON’s Head of Training, Charlotte Millar, says: “With the rise of structural oppression, we need to look at the social systems and build powerful movements with systemic analysis. We support people to develop this analysis and feed that into their campaigning.

“Unfortunately, often those who are pushing for change aren’t on the media agenda. But it’s also about demographic diversity, we need to ensure there are different people, points of view and perspectives represented.”

NEON is looking to expand their operations by growing the size of the organisation and delivering training programmes around the country.