About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Started: 2011
Based: Nottingham
Website: www.thesecretkitchencafe.com
Twitter: @superkitchening
Categories: Health, Community Action, Food

The Super Kitchen was set up to provide a communal space where families could eat one decent meal together a day for £2 to £3, made out of fresh, healthy ingredients.

It was founded by Marsha Smith, an unemployed single mum at the time, who saw the need for people to access better meals and to have social eating spaces in Nottingham. She borrowed £1,000 and the Super Kitchen was born. All food for the kitchen was sourced from wasted food from supermarkets.

The pilot originally consisted of 6,000 meals using six tonnes of food diverted from landfill - the menu was dependent on what was available, but there was always both a meat and vegetarian option.

Marsha has gone on to present TED Talks on her business and is now rolling out Super Kitchens across Nottingham. In the future, she wants to expand the Super Kitchen social eating model regionally, then nationally.