About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Website: http://mikebracken.com/

Started: 2011

Based: London

He is responsible for overseeing and improving all of the Government's online presence and extending the number of public services available online.

Based in the Cabinet Office, the role was created following the Martha Lane Fox review of Directgov, which recommended a change in focus for the existing Directgov Central Team. Mike's role is designed to help the government fulfil its ambition to save money and improve service delivery.

His remit covers everything from overseeing the creation of an easy-to-use, single web portal for government information and services to making a far wider range of public services available online.

His first major contribution has been to oversee the creation of the Government Digital Service, bringing all the government's digital operations under one roof. This has had an immediate impact on the ease of collaboration across projects and their ability to attract top talent.

Formerly the Guardian's Director of Digital Development, his stated goal is to ensure that the Government's digital services are on a par with other major web platforms such as Facebook, Google and Twitter in putting users first.