About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

This Christmas season, show off your culinary skills and help reduce food waste and poverty by hosting a festive feast.

FoodCycle, a charity supported by the Innovation of Giving Fund, uses volunteers and surplus food to serve isolated communities and low-income families in the UK.

It’s simple: Cook up a delicious meal for your family and friends and collect donations for FoodCycle at the same time. Sign up for hosting Meals that Matter event and you’ll receive a toolkit from Foodcycle.

In 2012, Britons threw out the equivalent of 24 meals each month, according to recent research from WRAP, an organisation that promotes sustainability and the reduction of waste.

Another way to reduce waste this Christmas is by joining Casserole Club. The organisation, funded by the Innovation of Giving Fund, encourages neighbours to share food with those less fortunate in their neighbourhood. This Christmas, share leftovers from your Christmas dinner with older people who might not have turkey, potatoes or stuffing of their own.

If you live in Barnet, Tower Hamlets or Reigate and Banstead in Surrey, sign up and you’ll be matched with someone in need of a Christmas dinner.

However you choose to donate, use seasonal produce and food that would otherwise go to waste to create your festive feast.