About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

With a new government in place, a policy refresh is on the horizon. But poor institutional memory and failure to learn from other countries’ experiences can lead to policy failures and substandard outcomes.

In our new event series, we look at successful policies from around the world that have made good things happen. From the rollout of heat pumps in Sweden to public service leadership and governance in Singapore, we’re gathering global experts to learn about successful policy interventions that have moved the dial on big social issues and explore how they might be applicable in the UK. 

On Tuesday 4 June 2024 we deep-dived into a successful policy intervention from the UK, England’s teenage pregnancy strategy, with a panel of speakers including Moira Wallace who oversaw the original teenage pregnancy strategy in the Social Exclusion Unit.

Coming up:

Sweden: what can we learn about the rollout of heat pump installation?

To meet net-zero targets, the UK needs to drastically increase the number of heat pump installations in the coming years. With one of the highest numbers of heat pumps globally, might Sweden’s experience of heat pump roll-out provide valuable lessons for the UK?

Singapore: what can we learn about governance and public service leadership?

In its 59-year history, Singapore has achieved great success in social and economic outcomes that make it now on par - if not exceeding - many nations of greater size and longer history: high levels of literacy, low obesity rates, high employment and home ownership, and one of the highest GDP per capital in the world. What are key principles of Singapore's system of governance and public service leadership that can provide valuable lessons for the UK and beyond?

More events in the series to be announced.

If you're interested in our upcoming events and want more information, get in touch with us: [email protected].