About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.


Tufnell Park, in a 4 bed Edwardian house. Pregnant daughter and her partner live with her. Daughter cannot afford her own property. The family operates an open house for local residents, hoping to more eco-efficient property development.


Has forged career as expert on energy supply chain, moving between private consultancy and public sector management. After writing her first novel, she has returned to University to follow up her MBA and Master's in Environment Policy with a study on Middle-East renewable energy infrastructure law. Planning to run an international consultancy in five years' time. Not eligible for state pension.


Most of time taken up with study and caring for family. She trials prototypes of energy-reducing technologies in her own home. She occasionally attends an Anglican church in Camden, where she was married and where she sought support during her divorce.

Technology used

Self-publishing software for novel, online meeting and hangouts with international environment policy community, smart insulation materials and wind power technologies.

Key trends

(4) Active aging population; (2) Neighbourhoods becoming more important; (5) Flexible work; (7) Inequality causing skills and housing divides.