About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The first thing that governments in the UK need to determine is the best strategic direction for decarbonising home heating. Government should provide confidence and clarity to both consumers and the heating industry about how the transition to low-carbon heating should work.

This means being clear about what technologies are likely to be used, as well as the balance between insulation, low-carbon heating and other green home upgrades. It also means making strategic choices about reforms to markets and institutions, and about how the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments plan to adjust policy in the long term.

Delve into our latest work on strategic choices for low-carbon heat below, or return to the main page to explore our other policy areas.

Does the wider energy market need reforms to better deliver low-carbon heating? Our paper on the Future of energy retail proposes five alternative energy models that could expedite the transition to low-carbon heat for households.

How much insulation is needed to transition homes to low-carbon heat? Our paper Insulation impact explored the best approach to insulating homes alongside installing heat pumps.

What is the best mix of technologies for low-carbon heating? Some of our work has considered these technology choices, and suggested a role for various types of heat pumps - but not for hydrogen boilers.



Can heat pumps use energy flexibly, to reduce pressure on the grid? Our landmark pilot of using heat pumps flexibly showed what might be possible.

Scotland has often led the way within the UK on energy and heat policy. Shaping low-carbon heat policy in Scotland is an important goal for Nesta, and also provides an opportunity for learning from other nations to inform our approach.

Wales has historically focused heavily on fabric upgrades but has also made strides recently to catch up on heat pumps and low-carbon heating. Influencing Welsh Government heat policy is a priority for Nesta, as the policy landscape in Wales has shaped many of our most important projects.