About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

While the project campaign is launched on the crowdfunding platform, most of the actual marketing and building a movement around the project happens outside the platform.

Social media and online networks are crucial in this part of campaigning, as Othmar Manfred Lehner concludes 'Crowd -funded ventures rely heavily upon networks, mainly provided by the Internet. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin can help give exposure to your campaign.

Having friends, families and fans promote your campaign can help give an initial boost, but the highest impact comes from targeting social media influencers that have clout in your target crowd.

A tweet, or even better, a blogpost from them, can communicate your campaign to thousands of followers and readers.

Social media is not just a way to promote the campaign, but also helps facilitate the two-way conversation with updates on progress comments and feedback on the idea, between funder and entrepreneur, which is a key element to any campaign.

Many campaigns also successfully set up dedicated blogs for their project. As with more traditional marketing, getting your campaign mentioned by online or print media can provide a massive boost towards reaching the funding goal. For example, it was an interview with online magazine Mashable that quickly took the Alpha mobile heart rate monitor project from $85,000 to well beyond their target of $100,000.