About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

More than half the world's population now live in cities. How will smart technology modify urban infrastructure? How will urban citizenship change in a decade's time?

This one day event, from RE.WORK and Nesta, addressed these questions via a series of workshops, each adopting a different practical approach. The event focused on a 10 year horizon, with an emphasis on the future of London.

On the day, we asked speakers and delegates what they believe the biggest challenges are for our urban environments, where the solutions will come from and what role technology will play in solving those problems.

More than half the world's population now live in cities. How will smart technology modify urban infrastructure? How will urban citizenship change in a decade's time?

This one day event addressed these questions via a series of workshops, each adopting a different practical approach. The event focused on a 10 year horizon, with an emphasis on the future of London.

Workshop 1: Urban Challenges and Radical Solutions (hosted by Google Solve for X)

Three presentations with interactive discussions to showcase radical technology ideas for solving urban problems.

Workshop 2: Prototyping the City (hosted by Hellicar & Lewis)

Exploring the challenges of design for the urban environment through a hands-on rapid prototyping workshop.

Workshop 3: Citizen-Centred Design (hosted by Dr Catherine Mulligan and Dr Stephen Lorimer, Imperial College London)

An urban prototying game in a rapid-fire approach that allows participants to test ideas quickly to help understand how technological solutions can be implemented in the real world.

Workshop 4: Ethnographic Foresight (hosted by Arup Foresight team)

Each group takes charge of an imagined Future Londoner, playing out their desires, fears and disinterest in the technologies discussed in earlier sessions.