About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Testing the frontier of collective intelligence - 25 Mar 2020 11:00 – 12:30

Please note that this event now take place as an interactive online session. We are excited to be using Remesh, an online platform that will allow you all to take part in the conversation and that uses AI to analyse and organise your responses in real-time. The session will run from 11:00GMT-12:30GMT

What is the event?

This online event was inspired by the work of the first cohort of Nesta’s collective intelligence grantees. From seeding novel ideas to exploring tricky questions and testing out high-risk but high-gain concepts, our grantees have worked hard over the last year to improve collective decision-making, make better use of the insights generated through collective intelligence, and increase the effectiveness and participation of citizens in collective intelligence initiatives.

With the first round of grants coming to an end, we will also be announcing the experiments of our second cohort of collective intelligence grantees in partnership with Wellcome Trust, Cloudera Foundation, and Omidyar Network.

Who is it for and why should I come?

This event is for public sector innovators, charities, funders and researchers, as well as those wanting to better understand where and how collective intelligence can be applied to tackle social challenges.

We learned about the different ways in which collective intelligence can provide a new approach to solve social problems. There will be plenty of opportunities to exchange views and knowledge with other researchers and practitioners about the potential of combining human and machine intelligence.

Please click below to register.