About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Children born today will reach adulthood around 2040. What will life in the UK be like for them, according to current trajectories? What are the policy options the new Labour government has now that can change that trajectory for the better?

We’re hosting a drinks reception at the Labour Party Conference to explore some of the insights generated as part of Nesta's UK 2040 Options work – exploring solutions for the biggest problems the UK faces between now and 2040.

Join us to hear key learnings from our latest work, and try out interactive tools aimed at supporting policymakers tasked with addressing the defining issues facing the country, from tax to economic growth, health and education.

If you’re attending the Labour Party Conference join us on Monday 23 September from 19:00 to 20:30, in Meeting Room 12 (The ACC) inside the secure zone.

Please note a conference pass will be required and security checks will be in place.

If you’d like to receive the post event recording, stay in touch by signing up to our newsletter.

More speakers to be announced.



Ravi Gurumurthy

Group CEO, Nesta and BIT

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Ahir Shah
