About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

This event took place on Thursday 11 November. You can watch the recording below.

Government policy has a significant impact on what we eat and drink through regulation (or not) of our food environments.

The extent to which policymakers should intervene is a hotly contested debate. For some, it is a question of personal responsibility and freedom to choose. For others, reshaping and regulating our food environments is an essential part of any meaningful plan to reduce obesity rates in the UK.

Nesta’s Chief Executive, Ravi Gurumurthy, was joined by Christopher Snowdon and Dolly Theis as they tackled those questions.

Author and journalist Christopher Snowdon believes the government should stop interfering in our dietary choices. His paper, The Fat Lie, argues that our lack of physical activity is the root cause of the obesity crisis, rather than excessive calorie consumption.

Activist and academic Dolly Theis is researching the links between policy, obesity and deprivation. Her research argues that we need policies that change our food environment, rather than recycling poorly implemented interventions which focus on personal decision making alone. “If you live in a world where you can still smoke indoors, it’s hard to get away from second-hand smoke,” she explains.


Christopher Snowdon

Head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs. Author of Killjoys (2017) and editor of the Nanny State Index.

Dolly Theis

Dolly Theis is in the final year of her PhD at the MRC Epidemiology Unit in the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on what influences government obesity policy in England, how government policymaking works in reality, how governments use and understand scientific research, and the particular role policy entrepreneurs play. Prior to her PhD, Dolly led the childhood obesity and grassroots sport research at the Centre for Social Justice think tank and was a parliamentary researcher in the House of Lords. Dolly co-founded 50:50 Parliament's cross-party #AskHerToStand campaign which helps women get selected and elected. She is an ambassador of military veterans charity Forward Assist and ex-offenders employment charity Tempus Novo.