About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The IGL Policy and Practice Learning Lab brought together policy-makers and practitioners to discuss the latest developments in innovation, entrepreneurship and growth policy.

The day focused on both pioneering new ideas in the field as well as the practical challenges that these programmes face.

Through workshops and interactive sessions, the we explored what works in innovation policy, how to manage innovation agencies, when to use challenge prizes, and how to build capacity among those delivering innovation policy.

We also launched our new report on how governments can more effectively design and run national innovation agencies, building on an in-depth study of the work of 10 agencies from around the world.

View the full agenda.

This event was part of Making Innovation and Growth Policy Work: the IGL Global Conference.


Dan Breznitz

Co-director of the Innovation Policy Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto

Andrew Carter

Deputy Chief Executive, Centre for Cities; Deputy Director, What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth

Jakob Edler

Director, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester Business School

Göran Marklund

Deputy Director General, VINNOVA

Penelope Papandropoulos

Chief Economist Team, Directorate-General for Competition, European Commission

Ganesh Rasagam

Practice Manager, World Bank Group Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness

Andres Zahler

Head of Innovation, Chilean Ministry of Economy