About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Video: What does our deadline extension mean for competing teams?

The Longitude Prize interviewed three teams, WeInnovateBiosolutions in India, the University of Plymouth in England and Astrego Diagnostics in Sweden, about their reactions to the Longitude Prize deadline extension. Find out about their work, why we are extending the deadline and how we plan to go forward in supporting teams.

As announced last week in the Telegraph and today by Chief Medical Officer, Dame, Sally Davies, at the AMR Call to Action meeting in Accra, Ghana, the Longitude Prize team is extending its deadline to at least December 2020. You can also read our blog about the extension here.

This was originally published on the Longitude Prize blog.

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Challenge Works


Shae Harmon

Shae Harmon

Shae Harmon

Communications Manager, Challenge Works


As Communications Manager for Challenge Works, Shae works across all themes centre-wide, specialising in digital engagement.

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