About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Meet other health changemakers

Do you want to meet others who care about creating a more people-powered health system?

If so, our Future of People Powered Health event next month will be a great opportunity to connect to likeminded decision-makers, practitioners, researchers and entrepreneurs who are interested in how people-powered solutions can be sustained and scaled up.

All our speakers have successfully led change themselves, as people with lived experience, innovators and entrepreneurs.

None of them waited for the system to be ready - they created solutions, challenged conventional wisdom and changed what is possible

Each speaker will share their personal experience and lessons for how best to disrupt and transform the system: from creating empowering digital solutions to starting a social movement or testing out ideas in a specific geography as a stepping stone for wider change.

Here at Health Lab, we are interested in creating more people-powered and data-driven approaches to health and wellbeing. We think that living well with ongoing health conditions and preventing mental and physical ill health is critical to making the health and care system sustainable in the long term.

Nesta set up Health Lab nearly two years ago to act as a centre of expertise on people-powered and data-powered health

We work with partners from the health, care, voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors to embed the agenda at scale through new policy and practice.

The event on 9 May will be a chance to see some of the most exciting innovations in the field of people-powered health, connect with others and to take back learning to your own work

For those of you who missed out on a place at the event, we will be live streaming the day on the event page. Take a look at the programme to find out who will feature when.

Halima Khan, Executive Director, Nesta Health Lab, opened the event at 9.45am on 9 May


Halima Khan

Halima Khan

Halima Khan

Executive Director, Health, People and Impact

Halima was the Executive Director of the Health, People and Impact. She led Nesta’s work in health and also oversaw people (human resources) and impact for the organisation.

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