Since Innovate to Save was launched in 2017, Y Lab has supported a cohort of projects through their first research and development phase.
We’ve learned a great deal along the way, announced our first implementation loan and now, equipped with our experience and a lot of enthusiasm, we are preparing to run a second version of the programme with a brand new set of projects.
Recent news about cuts to council services bring home the stark reality of public services struggling to cope with increasing demand. Focusing on Wales, Innovate to Save is a phased programme with twin aims of improving public services and generating saving, offering a solution to some of these problems.
We are really pleased to announce a new cohort of projects that is tackling a diverse set of challenges; including energy efficiency, managing vital fire safety equipment across a rural fire service, community-based social care, older people’s housing needs, and increasing the retention rates of foster carers. These challenges will be tackled by local authorities, health boards and third sector organisations, supported by partnerships with academics and businesses.
The projects in our second cohort will receive dedicated and tailored non-financial support alongside their grant, which will help them to develop, refine and test their idea and find out if it holds water.
A Care & Repair Cymru Handyperson makes adjustments to a bathroom.
The projects in the second Innovate to Save cohort are:
Solva Care
We know that some projects will work and some won’t; the process of innovation involves some failure along the way. Part of our role is to create the conditions that allow projects to learn as part of their journey with us.
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service