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How do we encourage politicians to think long-term?

Lab Notes - December edition

In the December edition of Lab Notes, the monthly digest for public sector innovators, innovation labs and i-teams, we reflect on some of the more pertinent questions of our time like: 'How do we encourage politicians to think long-term?' and 'How will oil-producing nations transition to a low carbon future and survive?

This month’s key lab picks:

1. How do we encourage politicians to think long-term? Kristina Persson, Sweden's Minister of the Future, offers her insights on the need for a watchdog for the future.

2. LandMark map, an interactive online map that aims to boost indigenous land rights by showing which lands are held by indigenous people and local communities has just launched. Find out more here.

3. In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, a Japanese community-based tourism model has helped Tanabe City attract more responsible tourists while boosting local economic development. Read more about the model here.

4. D-CENT (Decentralised Citizens Engagement Technologies) will showcase its tools and consider opportunities for UK digital democracy at an event at Nesta on 15 December 2015. Registration details here.

5. In Catalysing Inclusive Innovation from the Inside Out, Dr Lindi van Niekerk, Health Innovation Lead at Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, reflects on efforts to bring about change and improvements to healthcare in South Africa.

6. GovLab’s Beth Noveck, speaks with TechRepublic about how governments can harness new technology to become more effective and collaborative.

7. Glasgow City Council reveals smart lights, apps and Uber-style services as part of its smart city strategy.

8. As the first talks kick off at COP21 in Paris, this timely World Future Society blog asks ‘How Will Oil Producing Nations Transition to a Low Carbon Future and Survive?

9. Study finds that across 24 industrialised countries, women entrepreneurs with access to stronger work-family policies are more likely to start a venture geared at economic growth and job creation. Read The Conversation article here.

10. Check out this useful roundup of books, papers and other sources on public sector and government innovation by Nesta’s CEO, Geoff Mulgan.

11. A bottom-up budgeting initiative is being used to drive local entrepreneurship in the Philippines - the first country in the world to implement participatory budgeting at the national level.

12. In this Sunlight Foundation feature, Niklas Kossow asks ‘Can we Trust Open Data from an Authoritarian Government?’

13. Are best practices universally applicable? How long do they stay 'the best' for? This FastCo feature considers 'The Problem With Best Practices'.

14. The What’s it Worth? series from Guardian Society Professionals includes articles on the case for preventative public services, resources and tools to help measure impact, and fixing a complex problem like homelessness.


Sophie Reynolds

Sophie Reynolds

Sophie Reynolds

Former Senior Researcher - Public and Social Innovation

Sophie was a Senior Researcher in Nesta’s Policy and Research unit. She is now Director of Sophie Reynolds Research & Consultancy.

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