About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

ShareLab brought together over 200 policymakers, entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers to better understand how public services, civil society and the private sector can engage with, develop and harness collaborative platforms for good.

We looked at areas ranging from finance to healthcare, from education and skills to knowledge and the commons, and from future technology to the role of existing mainstream collaborative platforms.

As debates about the opportunities and challenges of the collaborative economy become ever more polarised, we have paid insufficient attention to how collaborative platforms can create social and environmental impact. Now is the time to explore the collaborative economy as a catalyst for social and environmental change.

ShareLab showcased initiatives which are already delivering social and environmental impact through collaborative platforms.


Antoinette Guhl

Deputy Mayor of Paris

Rajesh Agrawal

Deputy Mayor of London

Virginio Merola

Mayor of Bologna

Karl Wilding


Carrie Bishop

Future Gov

Alastair Parvin

Wikihouse Foundation

Izabella Kaminska

FT Alphaville

Michael Luca

Harvard Business School

Paul Miller

Bethnal Green Ventures

Ivo Gormley


Liz Corbin

Institute of Making

Anna McEwen

Shared Lives Plus

Imandeep Kaur

Impact Hub Birmingham

Mayo Fuster Morell


Mara Balestrini

Ideas for Change

Richard Clifford


Adizah Tejani


Phil Geraghty
