About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Innovation in the transport sector is slow and incremental- restricted by costly infrastructure, little cooperation between different bits of the system and a risk-averse culture. Fundamental shifts in transport do not come easily, or quickly- but things could be changing...

Intelligent Mobility might be the shakeup the industry has needed for so long. It's a conscious change from transport as a series of separate journeys to an integrated, reactive, intelligent, mobility system driven in part by technology and a desire for personalised services. The city of Helsinki is even fundamentally changing its transport offer in response to these trends.

The potential benefits to transport, the environment and the economy are great- but what will Intelligent Mobility look like in practice, who will benefit and how innovative will it really be? Are we just trying to solve our 21st century transport problems using 19th and 20th century inventions will a little help from IT and remote sensing?

This event was organised in partnership with the Transport Systems Catapult.

Our specialist panel, below, discussed the potentially disruptive effects of Intelligent Mobility on the transport sector:


Prof David Metz

Visiting Professor, Centre for Transport Studies, UCL

Sampo Hietanen

CEO, ITS Finland

Andrew Everett

Head of Strategy, Transport Systems Catapult

Jennie Martin

Secretary General, ITS UK

Ben Pritchard

Technical Manager- Technology and Innovation, Thales

Dr George Hazel OBE

Director, George Hazel Consultancy