About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Nesta Health Lab held the second annual 'The Future of People Powered Health’ event in central London on May 9. The event was held in partnership with Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, a place-based foundation which supports new ideas in health.

The 2017 event explored the idea of the 'end of patients' by showcasing inspiring examples of how people are creating health and wellbeing themselves, and asked how great people-powered solutions can be sustained and scaled up.

All the speakers at the event had successfully led change, as people with lived experience, innovators and entrepreneurs. None of them had waited for the system to be ready - they'd created solutions, challenged conventional wisdom and changed what was possible.

Each shared their personal experience and lessons for how best to disrupt and transform the system: from creating empowering digital solutions to starting a social movement or testing out ideas in a specific geography as a stepping stone for wider change.

On stage interview at People Powered Health event

The day gave delegates the chance to interact with several hundred thinkers and doers across the health, care, digital, voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors, all of whom were interested in ways to create a more people-powered health system and reduce health inequalities.

The day was hosted by Halima Khan, Executive Director of Health Lab with Kieron Boyle, Chief Executive, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity.

Panel discussion at People Powered Health event

The main sessions on the day were live-streamed, for those who couldn't attend in person. This can now be replayed in full, or you can follow the conversation on the day by using the Twitter hashtag #peoplepoweredhealth.

Who was the event for?

Forward thinkers, leaders, decision makers, practitioners and doers within the health and care system. Digital designers and drivers in social action with a focus on People Powered Health.

Sharon F Terry speaking at People Powered Health event

Sharon F Terry speaking at People Powered Health event


Sharon Terry

President and Chief Executive Officer - Genetic Alliance

Dr Sally Witcher OBE

Chief Executive Officer - Inclusion Scotland

Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli

Founder and CEO - Patients Know Best

Jen Hyatt

Founder - eartime, Big White Wall and Troo Life Coach

Denis O’Rourke

Assistant Director Integrated Commissioning (Mental Health) - NHS Lambeth CCG

Will Cavendish

Strategy Lead - DeepMind​ Applied

Michael MacDonnell

Strategy Director - NHS England

Paul Bate

Director of NHS Services - Babylon Health

Sian Lockwood OBE

Chief Executive - Community Catalysts CIC