About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

We hosted an evening exploring the potential of Flipped Learning - using online video to accelerate learning in schools. We launched our New Teacher Guide, developed from research in schools across the UK, and our research report into the potential of Flipped Learning.

The Flipped Learning Approach aims to maximise student engagement and independent learning by providing video instruction at home before a lesson, freeing up lesson time for active learning, peer-to-peer support, and expert teacher coaching.

Nesta and NFER have conducted a study into the impact of this approach in schools across England and Scotland, and this event saw the launch of this research report, as well as a freely available practical guide to implementing Flipped Learning in secondary school Maths, developed from the research.

The event also featured contributions from speakers implementing a range of approaches to teaching and learning under the banner of Flipped Learning. This banner has inspired many teachers to experiment with the use of technology, homework, direct instruction and active approaches to learning in their lessons, and we want to support the conversation and sharing around the best practice in this area.


Kirsty Tonks

Shireland Community Academy

Jen Devaney

Shireland Community Academy

Colin Hegarty
