About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Women in film: what does the data say?

We've published two new articles, with a series of data visualisations, which analyse the gender imbalance in UK film casts and film crews using a new Filmography from the British Film Institute (BFI).  






We have undertaken a gender-focused analysis of this Filmography, which contains records on over 10,000 UK films, stretching back to 1911, and over 250,000 unique cast and crew members.

Key findings include:

  • The gender mix in UK film casts has not improved since the end of the Second World War.
  • In crews the gender mix has improved, but in some departments women still make up less than 10 per cent of senior roles. 
  • Female actors have tended to make fewer films and have had shorter careers than male actors.
  • Unnamed characters who work in high-skilled occupations (e.g. doctor) are much more likely to be portrayed by men than women. 
  • Films that have one woman in a senior writing or directing role contain relatively more women in their casts.  

Find out more by exploring the data visualisations of the role women have played both on screen and off screen in the UK film industry in the last 100 years.


Cath Sleeman

Cath Sleeman

Cath Sleeman

Head of Data Science, Data Science Practice


Dr Cath Sleeman is the Head of Data Science.

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